Germany: Court Rules Intel Agency can Surveil 'Suspected Extremist' AfD

    Germany: Court Rules Intel Agency can Surveil 'Suspected Extremist' AfD
    Image copyright: Maja Hitij/Staff/Getty Images News via Getty Images

    The Facts

    • The Higher Administrative Court of North Rhine Westphalia on Monday upheld the findings of a lower court in Cologne, confirming that domestic intelligence services can continue to monitor the Alternative for Germany (AfD) as a suspected extremist group.

    • Judges from the court in Münster found indications that the party may pursue goals against human dignity and democracy, as at least a faction wants to give second-rank status to German citizens with a migration background.

    The Spin

    Pro-establishment narrative

    While it's true that Europe as a whole has seen a rise in far-right parties, none of them is as extreme as the AfD, which now stands for an authoritarian national radicalism based on social hierarchy and ethnic homogeneity. Democracy is at risk in Germany — it's up to state institutions and citizens to stop these dangerous developments.

    Establishment-critical narrative

    It's no secret that political elites in Germany have long sought to destroy the anti-globalist AfD, as its popularity consistently raises in eastern states and among young voters. As hypocritical as it seems, they have relied on lies to stigmatize, and threaten with a ban, the second most popular party in Germany under the guise of protecting democracy.

    Nerd narrative

    There's a 7% chance that the Christian Democratic Union of Germany will announce that it's open to negotiating a coalition with the Alternative for Germany before 2030, according to the Metaculus prediction community.

    Establishment split



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