NYC Uber Drivers Strike Over Raise

Image copyright: Reuters [via The Wall Street Journal]

The Facts

  • Uber drivers in New York City carried out a one-day strike Thursday — the second since December — as their scheduled pay raise continues to be blocked by a lawsuit from the company.

  • The drivers held a rally at Uber’s headquarters in Manhattan to demand the company drop its lawsuit and allow their wages to be increased as mandated by the Taxi and Limousine Commission (TLC).

The Spin

Narrative A

Inflation is affecting Americans from all walks of life, but Uber drivers are being significantly impacted because of the enormous increase in car-related expenses. Meanwhile, Uber has been raising its rates without improving compensation for drivers. A strike might be the only way to send the company a message.

Narrative B

A pay increase is undoubtedly deserved, but the TLC's mandate is exorbitant and will do irreparable harm to Uber and its riders. While undoubtedly a goodwill attempt to compensate for the summer's inflated gas prices, the ordered raise fails to consider the fluctuating nature of such prices, which have already decreased. The TLC should heed its past policies rather than instituting new rules.

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