White House Correspondents Dinner Returns After 2-Year Hiatus

    Image copyright: AP [via NPR News]

    The Facts

    • The 2022 White House Correspondents Association Dinner was held on Sat., marking the first time the annual gala was held since 2019.

    • All guests were required to submit proof of vaccination via an app in advance of the event, which featured comedy by Trevor Noah, the host of "The Daily Show."

    The Spin

    Right narrative

    The WH Correspondents Dinner is a national disgrace. Biden laughed and clapped as Noah cracked jokes about inflation and the botched Afghanistan withdrawal. Democrats and their allies in the mainstream media are out of touch with the concerns of real Americans.

    Left narrative

    It's refreshing to once again have a president with a sense of humor, who is capable of laughing at himself even as he goes about the hard work of governing. Equally refreshing is having a president who champions rather than attacks the press.

    Narrative C

    This dinner was nerve-wracking. Hundreds of journos, celebrities, and politicians - including the President - were unmasked and packed like sardines. Even Trevor Noah called it "nation's most distinguished superspreader event." Here's hoping, truly and genuinely, that it won't be.

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