Pentagon: Lack of Oversight on Junior ROTC Abuse

Image copyright: nytimes

The Facts

  • On Wednesday, US Pentagon officials said that "additional oversight is necessary" to stop alleged sexual abuse in the Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps (JROTC), stating that measures to better supervise the program are being discussed.

  • This comes as Pentagon officials were questioned in a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing about a report accusing JRTOC instructors of sexually abusing and harassing students.

The Spin

Establishment-critical narrative

While it may have some positive aspects, the JROTC program is more troublesome than helpful as school districts are responsible for its oversight, not the military. On top of that, the very nature of its activities allows low-trained military veterans to have an unusual level of access to teenagers while teaching them obedience to orders, making students more vulnerable to sexual assault.

Pro-establishment narrative

While these cases of sexual misconduct are deplorable, they don't represent the experience of the vast majority of those who take part in the JROTC. Overall this program inspires patriotic American values in students, offering a place for teenagers to get involved with a community, find their voice, and transform their lives for the better.

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