NYC Mayor Adams Tests Positive for COVID

    Image copyright: AP [via TIME]

    The Facts

    • NYC Mayor Eric Adams has tested positive for COVID after he woke up with a raspy voice on Sun. and submitted a positive PCR test.

    • A spokesperson said Adams, who is vaccinated, had no other symptoms but would cancel all public events this week and work remotely out of an abundance of caution. He also planned to start taking anti-viral medications.

    The Spin

    Left narrative

    In reopening the city and loosening restrictions, everyone knew we'd have to live with increased transmission. But because of tests, vaccines and anti-viral treatments, the mayor is doing well and severe cases and hospitalizations remain low.

    Right narrative

    The mayor's hypocrisy knows no bounds. Even as he deals with his own breakthrough case, he refuses to rehire city workers who were fired for refusing a vaccine that's been proven to not stop infection or transmission of the virus.

    Progressive narrative

    While governments around the country are loosening restrictions, COVID continues to be a threat. Policies have to do a better job protecting those most at risk and make sure they're not left behind or harmed.

    Political split



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